Darius Jennings

What brought you to the Pivot Program?

Well, when I heard about it, I felt it was too good to be true. It really started based on curiosity. I was reading about it and I could literally see it for myself. It’s the real deal. It’s an opportunity you don’t see all the time, an opportunity that caters to a group of people who usually don’t see many opportunities. One of my biggest things about the whole program is that you can tell how genuine the people are. These are people who genuinely want to help and see you succeed.

What are your goals moving forward?

I’m the type of person who tries to learn something every day. So as far as taking classes, meeting professors, even learning just from other fellows and cohorts, I realized you can literally learn something every day. So that’s my biggest goal out of this program: to make sure every single day I come here, I learn something new. That’s just something I want to be able to do on a constant and consistent basis. At some point, I also want to venture into the business world and open an auto shop, but I don’t want it to just be for fixes and tune-ups. I want you to be able to come in and get full customization, too, because you usually see one or the other; you never see both.

What does being a Pivot Fellow mean to you?

It means being held to a higher regard, held to a higher standard, and overall being held accountable. It means learning to be responsible, learning a certain structure, and learning different aspects of life from different people from different walks of life. Seeing what they’ve been through and being able to share and talk about my own experiences. There’s an overflow of knowledge. Whatever you put into it, that’s what you’re gonna get out.