Get to Know Antoine Mundell

What brought you to the Pivot Program?

I was trying to change my life and better my situation when I came home from doing 15 years in prison, and I heard a lot of good things about the Pivot Program. They said you could better yourself, get an education, and get paid in the process. So I shot my shot.

What keeps you motivated?

Just being able to learn something new — something that I would’ve been withheld from otherwise —the opportunity to learn things at this type of level, from the professors of Georgetown. And being around people who encourage me, who want the same things out of life as I do.

What’s been the best part of Pivot?

All this information they’re giving me right now, you’d have to pay thousands of dollars for it, and I’m getting it for free. I feel like that’s going to put me ahead of the game and make me more marketable.

What do you like to do for fun?

I like working out, I like jogging, I like going out and socializing, meeting new people, traveling, and swimming.