Get to Know Dre’son Tuberville

What’s been your favorite part of the program so far? 

Learning new things. Pivot has taught me a lot about the business world and things I thought I had under control. It opened my eyes to a whole new horizon of possibilities for myself and for people who I can hopefully help out in the future.

What are some of your personal and professional goals you hope to achieve? 

My personal goal is to support the people I love. I’ve always had somebody there for me, somebody I could lean on whenever I was in a hard time, so I would love to be able to pay that back. 

What is your advice to other returning citizens considering applying to Pivot?

It’s definitely a great opportunity. Once you get in, you have to prove yourself. I came from Tropical Smoothies and now I’m interning at Deloitte, and I just came home last year.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I’m a big anime enthusiast and have been writing my own anime since 2018 when I was in the hole. All I needed was my imagination, paper, and a pen. That’s what kept me together. Whenever you’re in there, for however long, it’s just you and those walls. I had to create my own world.