Kelli Davis

What brought you to the Pivot Program?
A friend called me and said, “Hey, I think you would be a really great candidate for this program.” She knew my struggle for reentry and the doors that had been shut. And she knew my passion for helping people. My dream job is to make others’ dreams come true. That’s what I want to do. So this could help me launch a platform, whether I create my own nonprofit or I can get in the door to nonprofits to help returning citizens. Pivot is a wonderful program that can give me the resources, information, and knowledge on how to run a business or help another business succeed.
What are you hoping to take away from the program?
I hope to deepen and hone my skills to help people access resources. It means a lot to me to be an influencer, not a persuader. Just persuading somebody, that lasts a fleeting moment; but to be of real influence can help people change from within to make a difference in the world. Being kind to others is important to me. I want to change the world and be the change that I want to see. And I really think that Pivot will help me springboard into making a difference.
What does being a Pivot Fellow mean to you?
I want to succeed so that I can be an example. We can take this to other universities and other states. Reentry is difficult even when someone has support. It’s really difficult mentally and physically, but this has opened up so much for me. It took a burden off me. Because actually for the first time since I’ve been home, I really feel like I have a future.